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(AS) Afterschool Fools: Wee Kids See All Times

(AS) Afterschool Fools: Wee Kids @ Children's Museum February 19, 2025 - May 28, 2025

Thanks for registering your kid for Wee Kids, hosted at the Santa Fe Children's Museum! Here are some details.

  • Spring Afterschool Fools runs from February 19 - May 28, with a week off for Spring Break from March 24-28.
  • Please make sure when you registered your child that you enter an e-mail you check regularly and that any relevant parents/guardians can access. We will be sending out important information via e-mail throughout the session.
  • The program culminates in an Afterschool Show on Saturday, May 31 from noon-2:30p. The show has options to arrive late, leave early, or stay for the entire thing!

  • This program is held at the Santa Fe Children's Museum - 1050 Old Pecos Trail, Santa Fe
    Park in the primary parking lot and enter the building through its primary entrance. Circus classes are held in the classroom space at the back of the museum. Walk towards the bathrooms and they are on your left. Look for Wise Fool signage or ask a WF or Museum staff for help.

Dropoff & Pickup:

  • You may sign-in up to 10 minutes early for class. At the Museum check-in desk you will either see a Wise Fool staff member or Wise Fool signage helping you know where to go. You can sign in at the front desk if Wise Fool staff is there, or in the classroom with your coach.
  • You must enter the building with your child and ensure they are with a Wise Fool coach before leaving. Please wait with your child until the class start time of 3:45p.
  • Please pick up your student promptly, as we have a set time we need to be out of the museum. Wait for your student outside of the classroom to minimise distraction! There will be a sign out sheet.
  • Our policy is that if you are more than 5 minutes late to pick up your child, we will charge a $5 Late Pickup Fee. If you know that you will be late to pick up your child, please call (505) 992-2588.

  • Please do not bring your child to circus class if they are sick with a contagious illness.
  • If they are showing visible signs of illness, their coach may request they wear a mask.
  • Wise Fool knows that COVID-19 is still impacting our community. While we are a mask-friendly space, we do not require them for everyone. We will have masks available for free. Please let us know if you have a mask-related access need.
Access Needs:
  • Access needs are anything that a person needs in order to have access to a space. They do not need to be disclosed and sometimes preference is not to disclose. If you or your student has a particular access need that you want us to be aware of in order for them to participate in this class, let us know!
    • Some examples: Your student is easily disturbed by loud sounds, needs a snack every 30 minutes, will miss classes without warning, requires a language interpreter.
  • The class is not a low-sensory environment, but we can provide low-sensory short-term spaces
  • One of our staff can teach in ASL and we can provide interpretation upon request


  • Please make sure your child comes dressed in work-out clothes, and either with leotards or shirts that can be tucked into pants or tight-fitting enough so that they won't come up when the child inverts.

  • No jeans or pants with zippers as it can damage the aerial fabrics.

  • Long hair must be tied back.

  • Students should wear or bring sneakers every day for stilt walking.


  • Your child should bring a water bottle.
  • If possible make sure they’ve eaten a snack before being dropped off.

Please don't hesitate to call or email with any questions: youth@wisefoolnm.org

Cancellation Policy:

Full Session Withdrawal:

  • If a child is withdrawn from the program before the first class, a full refund minus a registration fee of $52 will be given.

  • If a child is withdrawn after the first class but before the third class, a prorated refund will be issued based on the number of classes attended, minus a registration fee of $52.

  • No refunds will be given after the third class of the session.

Single Class Absence:

  • No refunds or credits will be given for individual classes missed by the student.

Thank you! We are excited to have your child in class.

Wed, Feb 19

(AS) Afterschool Fools: Wee Kids @ Children's Museum • 3:45pm - 4:45pm at Santa Fe Children's Museum

Wed, Feb 26

(AS) Afterschool Fools: Wee Kids @ Children's Museum • 3:45pm - 4:45pm at Santa Fe Children's Museum

Wed, Mar 05

(AS) Afterschool Fools: Wee Kids @ Children's Museum • 3:45pm - 4:45pm at Santa Fe Children's Museum

Wed, Mar 12

(AS) Afterschool Fools: Wee Kids @ Children's Museum • 3:45pm - 4:45pm at Santa Fe Children's Museum

Wed, Mar 19

(AS) Afterschool Fools: Wee Kids @ Children's Museum • 3:45pm - 4:45pm at Santa Fe Children's Museum

Wed, Apr 02

(AS) Afterschool Fools: Wee Kids @ Children's Museum • 3:45pm - 4:45pm at Santa Fe Children's Museum

Wed, Apr 09

(AS) Afterschool Fools: Wee Kids @ Children's Museum • 3:45pm - 4:45pm at Santa Fe Children's Museum

Wed, Apr 16

(AS) Afterschool Fools: Wee Kids @ Children's Museum • 3:45pm - 4:45pm at Santa Fe Children's Museum

Wed, Apr 23

(AS) Afterschool Fools: Wee Kids @ Children's Museum • 3:45pm - 4:45pm at Santa Fe Children's Museum

Wed, Apr 30

(AS) Afterschool Fools: Wee Kids @ Children's Museum • 3:45pm - 4:45pm at Santa Fe Children's Museum

Wed, May 07

(AS) Afterschool Fools: Wee Kids @ Children's Museum • 3:45pm - 4:45pm at Santa Fe Children's Museum

Wed, May 14

(AS) Afterschool Fools: Wee Kids @ Children's Museum • 3:45pm - 4:45pm at Santa Fe Children's Museum

Wed, May 21

(AS) Afterschool Fools: Wee Kids @ Children's Museum • 3:45pm - 4:45pm at Santa Fe Children's Museum

Wed, May 28

(AS) Afterschool Fools: Wee Kids @ Children's Museum • 3:45pm - 4:45pm at Santa Fe Children's Museum

$258 February 19, 2025 - May 28, 2025