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(AC) SERIES: Physical Theatre and the Clown PERFORMANCE

$174 per class From $29 per visit with (AC) Ground: 6-Class Package pass Purchase required to enroll

SERIES BASED CLASS~ please commit to the full session, as you will be taking part in a performance!

Via the red nose clown, we will explore comedic timing, stage presence, breath, the absurd, problem solving in the clown world, stillness, character development, and improvisation in duos and trios. This class will be putting all the pieces together to bring a unique performance to the Wise Fool stage. It is all about authentic expression and tapping into our own inner clown.

This class will culminate in a performance at the end of the session!

Some clowning experience required- if you have not taken a class with SJ before, please reach out and we can determine if this is the right fit for you!

Sarah-Jane Moody has been working with Wise Fool since 1996 primarily as a clown but also loves to write, direct, make music, and disrupt the military industrial complex whenever possible. She is a graduate from the Dell'Arte International School of Physical Theatre in Blue Lake, CA and has studied red nose clown with Avner Eisenberg, Giovanni Fusetti, and Ronlin Foreman to name a flattering few. The world of the clown and the journey that it proposes is quite profound and beautiful, and is a deep passion and constant source of inspiration and fascination.
