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(AC) Partnering in the Air

$36 per class From $33 per visit with (AC) Aerial: 6-Class Package pass A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.

How do we work with a partner in the air?

This class will explore how to interact in the magical space above the ground with someone else, on trapeze, hoop or fabric.

We will look at ways to share weight, move together and create choreography together.

This is a beginning partner class, but is meant for people who already are comfortable on an aerial apparatus.

This class is open to participants 10 and up.

Coach Bios:

Alessandra and Amy ( Tucce) have decades of aerial partnering experience and are excited to get together again to offer a class for people at Wise Fool. Join Alessandra Ogren and Amy Bertucci for a special 6 week aerial partnering class!
